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Diable ipv6 on linux???

I found this on ubuntuforums. It's about disabling ipv6 on ubuntu but should apply to every distros. Here is how to..

Make your /etc/modprobe.d/aliases look like this.
alias net-pf-8 atm
alias net-pf-9 x25
# 1, 2, 3 new lines
alias net-pf-10 ipv6 off <<-- add
alias net-pf-10 off <<-- add
alias ipv6 off <<-- add
#alias net-pf-10 ipv6 >>===comment the original line out
alias net-pf-11 rose
alias net-pf-12 decnet

Anyway the method above doesn't work for me. After changing,reboot ifconfig output still had an ipv6 address and "ip a | grep inet6" output told me samething. To diable[on my machine] I change "alias net-pf-10 ipv6" to "alias net-pf-10 off ipv6"[like snowx1000 does] and ipv6 address will not show anymore.
The more importance is why disable ipv6
The idea is they want to make a connection to destination faster. Someone say apps will first attempt a connection on IPv6. When this fails, they'll then switch to IPv4. It's this first attempt that causes the delay. Remmeber that it can't increase bandwidth after the connection is made. It's may reduce the time it takes to connect. But manyone said they feel they can download faster[that's impossible for me :P]. So, it's up to you. If you have a hard time to make connection to any website and disabling ipv6 make it better, you should diable it.


Unknown said…
Had the same problem with the original howto and Xubuntu 8.04 alpha 6. Your tip of moving 'off' to before the 'ipv6' worked. Thanks for the help.

Why disable ipv6? My router, much like me, is old, ignorant, and doesn't understand these new addresses. I'll eventually figure them out but the router is hopeless. Until I invest in a newer one, there is no point in having software waste time attempting to make a connection that has a zero chance of completion.

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