I love google toolbar and it's my number one online bookmark for a long time. After upgrade to gusty I feel that my firefox is not stable as it use to be. My firefox is freeze on some site that try to open second window. I'm not sure what's wrong firefox or toolbar but I know that after uninstall toolbar the problem gone. [to uninstall go to "Settings" > "Help" > "Uninstall" option on toolbar]
Now I need something to replace google toobar jobs. Not too hard to find this.
"Firefox Google Bookmark" for bookmarks. After install this extensions your firefox will has new menu "GBookmarks". below is screenshot
Another thing i need is gmail notifyer, there are many firefox extension and linux apps can do this job. For me i choose checkgmail.
note: for now look like checkgmail from repos has problem about authorization. If you have a problem, go to get latest version from svn should fix it.
Thanks to hotweiss from ubuntuforums for the trick.
Last, Happy new year 2008. :D
Now I need something to replace google toobar jobs. Not too hard to find this.
"Firefox Google Bookmark" for bookmarks. After install this extensions your firefox will has new menu "GBookmarks". below is screenshot
Another thing i need is gmail notifyer, there are many firefox extension and linux apps can do this job. For me i choose checkgmail.
pnix@pnix-a7n:~$ sudo aptitude install checkgmail
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Building tag database... Done
note: for now look like checkgmail from repos has problem about authorization. If you have a problem, go to get latest version from svn should fix it.
wget http://checkgmail.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/*checkout*/checkgmail/checkgmail
sudo mv checkgmail /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/checkgmail
Thanks to hotweiss from ubuntuforums for the trick.
Last, Happy new year 2008. :D