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Showing posts from June, 2008

Setup MySQL with Ofbiz

Download ofbiz weekily build and extract it somewhere you want. From your ofbiz directory, edit file entityengine.xml in framework/entity/config add new datasources below localmysql datasource part <datasource name="custommysql" helper-class="org.ofbiz.entity.datasource.GenericHelperDAO" field-type-name="mysql" check-on-start="true" add-missing-on-start="true" check-pks-on-start="false" use-foreign-keys="true" join-style="ansi-no-parenthesis" alias-view-columns="false" drop-fk-use-foreign-key-keyword="true" table-type="InnoDB" character-set="latin1" collate="latin1_general_cs"> <read-data reader-name="seed"/> <read-data reader-name="seed-initial"/> ...

Cannot use SUN rmic, as it is not available.

I download ofbiz weekly build[] from sourceforge and try to build it on eclipse. How to config on eclipse? How to use ofbiz with external database ? you can find out from google or may be I'll post here later.:P This post is about error when I run ant build target 'run-install' to load configured data. Below error'll show on eclipse console. ... stubs: [rmic] RMI Compiling 1 class to D:\eclipse_workspace\ofbiz2\framework\service\build\classes BUILD FAILED D:\eclipse_workspace\ofbiz2\build.xml:125: The following error occurred while executing this line: D:\eclipse_workspace\ofbiz2\framework\build.xml:142: The following error occurred while executing this line: D:\eclipse_workspace\ofbiz2\framework\service\build.xml:101: Cannot use SUN rmic, as it is not available. A common solution is to set the environment variable JAVA_HOME or CLASSPATH. Total time: 8 seconds I solve this by browse to Window->Preferences->Ant->Runtime then highlight o...

Compile subversion on Fedora core 6

I just move to new company. My first job here is setup a svn on FC6 box. This post is about how i built it. First download, compile and install apache[must be 2.0 version to have same apr version as subversion-deps-1.4.6.tar.bz2] [root@localhost ~]# wget ... [root@localhost ~]# tar xjf httpd-2.0.63.tar.bz2 [root@localhost ~]# cd httpd-2.0.63 [root@localhost httpd-2.0.63]# ./buildconf [root@localhost httpd-2.0.63]# ./configure --enable-dav --enable-so --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix=/usr/local/apache20 ... [root@localhost httpd-2.0.63]# make && make install ... [root@localhost httpd-2.0.63]# cd .. [root@localhost ~]# then download subversion source code and the subversion dependencies source code, extract both then go to compile and install apr, apr-util, neon and subversion itself. [root@localhost ~]# wget ... [root@localhost ~]# wget http://subversion.t...