I download ofbiz weekly build[ofbiz_20080602.zip] from sourceforge and try to build it on eclipse. How to config on eclipse? How to use ofbiz with external database? you can find out from google or may be I'll post here later.:P
This post is about error when I run ant build target 'run-install' to load configured data. Below error'll show on eclipse console.
I solve this by browse to Window->Preferences->Ant->Runtime then highlight on 'Global Entries', click 'Add Externals JARs' then select tools.jar from your $JAVA_HOME/lib directory. Try run ant build again then it sould be fine.
This post is about error when I run ant build target 'run-install' to load configured data. Below error'll show on eclipse console.
[rmic] RMI Compiling 1 class to D:\eclipse_workspace\ofbiz2\framework\service\build\classes
D:\eclipse_workspace\ofbiz2\build.xml:125: The following error occurred while executing this line:
D:\eclipse_workspace\ofbiz2\framework\build.xml:142: The following error occurred while executing this line:
D:\eclipse_workspace\ofbiz2\framework\service\build.xml:101: Cannot use SUN rmic, as it is not available. A common solution is to set the environment variable JAVA_HOME or CLASSPATH.
Total time: 8 seconds
I solve this by browse to Window->Preferences->Ant->Runtime then highlight on 'Global Entries', click 'Add Externals JARs' then select tools.jar from your $JAVA_HOME/lib directory. Try run ant build again then it sould be fine.