After install nvidia drivers I notice that agp driver status says I use agpgart not nvidia drivers.
even nvidia module is already loaded.
Some old tutorials will advice you try to disable agpgart[for 2.4 kernel] but not for 2.6.
From nvidia readme appendix F
"On Linux 2.6, the agpgart.ko frontend module will always be loaded, as it is used by the NVIDIA kernel module to determine if an AGPGART backend module is loaded. When the NVIDIA AGP driver is to be used on a Linux 2.6 system, it is recommended that you make sure the AGPGART backend drivers are built as modules and that they are not loaded."
this confirm by
So anyways agpgart will be loaded because it's needed by nvidia drivers.
As I understand, There are two drivers nvidia_agp[the kernel module for NForce motherboards] and nvidia[proprietary drivers from nvidia]. If both are loaded together, nvidia_agp will be choosed and used as agp driver. To make sure nvidia drivers will be loaded, open /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist with your text editor, add "blacklist nvidia_agp"[for my case] to the end of file then reboot.
Check agp driver status again. Now it says NVIDIA
Note: module to block is depend on output of lsmod|grep agpgart. It can be amd64_agp,sis_agp or something else.
pnix@pnix-a7n:~$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status
Status: Enabled
AGP Rate: 8x
Fast Writes: Disabled
SBA: Enabled
even nvidia module is already loaded.
pnix@pnix-a7n:~$ lsmod|grep agpgart
agpgart 35400 2 nvidia,nvidia_agp
Some old tutorials will advice you try to disable agpgart[for 2.4 kernel] but not for 2.6.
From nvidia readme appendix F
"On Linux 2.6, the agpgart.ko frontend module will always be loaded, as it is used by the NVIDIA kernel module to determine if an AGPGART backend module is loaded. When the NVIDIA AGP driver is to be used on a Linux 2.6 system, it is recommended that you make sure the AGPGART backend drivers are built as modules and that they are not loaded."
this confirm by
pnix@pnix-a7n:~$ modinfo nvidia
filename: /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/volatile/nvidia.ko
license: NVIDIA
alias: char-major-195-*
alias: pci:v000010DEd*sv*sd*bc03sc02i00*
alias: pci:v000010DEd*sv*sd*bc03sc00i00*
depends: agpgart,i2c-core
vermagic: 2.6.20-16-generic SMP mod_unload 586
parm: NVreg_VideoMemoryTypeOverride:int
parm: NVreg_RMEdgeIntrCheck:int
parm: nv_disable_pat:int
So anyways agpgart will be loaded because it's needed by nvidia drivers.
As I understand, There are two drivers nvidia_agp[the kernel module for NForce motherboards] and nvidia[proprietary drivers from nvidia]. If both are loaded together, nvidia_agp will be choosed and used as agp driver. To make sure nvidia drivers will be loaded, open /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist with your text editor, add "blacklist nvidia_agp"[for my case] to the end of file then reboot.
blacklist nvidia_agp
Check agp driver status again. Now it says NVIDIA
pnix@pnix-a7n:~$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status
Status: Enabled
Driver: NVIDIA
AGP Rate: 8x
Fast Writes: Disabled
SBA: Enabled
pnix@pnix-a7n:~$ lsmod|grep agpgart
agpgart 35400 1 nvidia
Note: module to block is depend on output of lsmod|grep agpgart. It can be amd64_agp,sis_agp or something else.
What's your "Device" section in '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'? and did you see anything wrong in your 'dmesg' output?
1. what is your 'cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status' before and after adding via_agp to blacklist?
2. /var/log/Xorg.0.log before and after?
Status: Enabled
AGP Rate: 8x
Fast Writes: Disabled
SBA: Enabled
2. here is a link to the log file (before i add via_agp to the blacklist):
- again i'm not quite sure what i'm looking for, but i saw this "(II) NVIDIA(0): Using the NVIDIA 2D acceleration architecture". not sure if that means anything. but thanks for helping again.
1. Status: Disabled
AGP initialization failed, please check the ouput
of the 'dmesg' command and/or your system log file
for additional information on this problem.
2. this is the log:
3. this is the dmesg after adding via_agp to blacklist:
if 'cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status' said "disabled", it should have some error show in dmesg or Xorg.0.log.
One more thing if you want to try is add 'Option "NvAGP" "1"' to your device section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf like this.
Section "Device"
Identifier "NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT"
Driver "nvidia"
BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
VideoRam 512000
Option "NvAGP" "1"
Option "UseFBDev" "true"
Option "UseFastTLS" "3"
then reboot. If this kill your X or freeze your box reboot to recovery mode then take it out.
here is my log and dmesg.
i understand that there's probably not much more you can think of to help me out, but thanks again for trying. at least i got some feedback for once :)
the list of support via chipset are
VIA 8371
VIA 82C694X
VIA P4M266
VIA P4X400
VIA K8T800
VIA K8N800
what is youe mobo model and chipset?
let me guess again, if yours is not supported, nvidia recommend to use AGPGART that mean via-agp must be loaded. So your choice is remove via-agp from blacklist and use AGPGART until it support your chipset. find out more detail in the link.
and next time go for nforce :)