Ubuntu 8.04 LTS code name Hardy Heron just released yesterday. Until now the server still busy, network upgrade[for me] need about 9xx MB download and will take about 1 days and something to do that[on 1mb ADSL from Thailand can you believe? :P].
So I try go for alternative CD. This is pretty much help, download time[for CD] reduce to 2 hours for 700MB. After burning, pop it into CD Drive, it will ask about "Do I want latest pakage from internet?". "Yes" will need more 300MB to download. Anyway it'not a day, estimate time are about 2-3 hours for upgrading.
Hope that tomorow I will see hardy desktop on my box.
So I try go for alternative CD. This is pretty much help, download time[for CD] reduce to 2 hours for 700MB. After burning, pop it into CD Drive, it will ask about "Do I want latest pakage from internet?". "Yes" will need more 300MB to download. Anyway it'not a day, estimate time are about 2-3 hours for upgrading.
Hope that tomorow I will see hardy desktop on my box.