When I press arrow,backspace,del buttons in text editor, I expect something like "backspace" deletes the character to the left[of the cursor], "delete" deletes the character to the right and "arrow" should move cursor to correct direction in document. Since I move to Feisty Fawn. I just notice that Backspace and Delete Keys are not act as it should be in VIM editor e.g. , In insert mode, the arrow buttons will insert the letters A, B, C, D each followed by a CR. If I press backspace, the cursor moves back, but the letter doesn't go away. Also delete button will deletes all letters that on the right of cursor and change case of previous letter. Below is a pic when I type up, down, right, left, some text, backspace and del [Some web said] "backspace key" will sent ASCII character 8[decimal] and "delete key" sent 127[decimal] [try man ascii for a list of the ASCII characterset]. The backspace key also has the representation ^H [Ctrl-H]...
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